Extension Expertise and Personnel Directory

IANR Media

Nebraska Extension's Expertise and Personnel Directory

Helping Nebraskans find the extension resources they need

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Our Role


Epd.unl.edu is the authoritative source on Nebraska Extension's expertise in your area.

The Extension Expertise and Personnel Directory is where Nebrakans look to find the expertise they need for their crops, livestock, pastures, gardening, nutrition and many other subject matter areas. The website allows users to search by name, county or expertise area and connects them with the nearest expert in their local county office or engagement zone as well as with easily accessible online resources. 

IANR Media has worked with Extension over the course of many years to build this directory as both a public facing tool for connecting with Extension as well as a valuable internal tool helping Extension personnel stay organized and keep in touch with one another. 

visit epd.unl.edu

epd search example