Affiliate Template 5.3

The affiliate template displays as "UNLedu 5.3 (Affiliate) 7.x-5.3.x" under "DISABLED THEMES" when you click "Appearance" on the admin menu bar. Only someone with administrator access can turn it. Unless upgrading an existing affiliate template, use of an affiliate template is subject to an approval process and generally limited to sites with an approved secondary lockup. Once turned on, the template will display under "ENABLED THEMES" with a default magenta color scheme. You can customize the color scheme, header and footer items.

Customize Affiliate Template

  1. Click "Appearance" on the admin menu bar then click "Settings"
  2. Scroll down to the "AFFILIATE REGIONS" heading
  3. In the "local/affiliate-header-global-1.html" box
    • Do not delete the entire contents of the box
    • Remove, change or leave text "An Affiliate of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln"
  4. In the "local/affiliate-idm.html" box
  5. In the "local/affiliate-search.html" box
    • You may delete the entire contents of the box to remove the search box
  6. In the "local/affiliate-logo-lockup-1.html" box
    • Delete the svg code, everything from to including the svg tags
    • Replace with new svg code or code for an image tag
    • If replacing with an SVG, add class="dcf-d-block dcf-h-100% dcf-w-auto" in the svg tag (alternatively you can add class="dcf-d-block dcf-h-10 dcf-w-10" to an image tag where 10 can be values ranging from 0-12)
    • In the lockup anchor tag, replace # with site URL (ex: change href="#" to href="" )
  7. In the "local/affiliate-footer.html" box
    • Do not delete the entire contents of the box
    • Update or delete text and links as needed
  8. In the "CSS" Box, replace color values for the following if needed. Check that the text color on a background colors follows web accessibility guidelines in light and dark mode (WCAG 2 AA Compliant). You can check them using a color contrast picker tool.affiliate template color swatches
    • #242423 (dark gray, default dark mode background color)
    • #972062 (dark magenta, default hover, active and visited color)
    • #F9A9DE (light magenta, default dark mode background link color)
    • #FAC6EA (lighter magenta, default dark mode hover, active and visited color)
    • #D90792 (medium magenta, default menu bar, primary buttons and link color)
    • #fff (white, default background color)

Upload a Custom Favicon

The favicon is the tiny icon that displays in browser tabs and the bookmark bar. Common sizes for a ICO formatted favicon are 16x16px, 32x32px, and 48x48px

  1. Under "TOGGLE DISPLAY", check the box next to "shortcut icon"
  2. Under "TOGGLE DISPLAY", uncheck the box next to "use the default shortcut icon"
  3. Either enter the path to the icon or upload it

You can reference the original files on github.