Add and Remove Users

Site admins can add new users and assign user roles. A user must be in the UNL Directory to be added.

Steps to add users

  1. Click “People” on the admin toolbar
  2. Click “+ Import User from UNL Directory”
  3. Under “Search String”, enter their username and click “Search”. The username usually works best, since there may be others at the university with the same name. One way to look up a username is by viewing the “Alias” in their outlook contact details.
  4. Select their name in the results and click “Add Selected User”
  5. Select the role you want them to have (select only one, the one with the highest level of access you want them to have)
    1. Site Admin (highest access): add/edit/delete all page content and manage users, menus and site configuration
    2. Content Admin: add/edit/delete all page content,  webforms and blocks
    3. Content Editor: add/edit all page content and webforms but only delete content (no access to blocks)
    4. Contributor (lowest access): same as Content Editor except they can only edit pages they create
  6. Click “Save”

Removing Users

Do not change the user's status to "Block". Choosing "Block" may affect access in other applications. You can uncheck boxes next to their assigned roles; however, they will still be able to access the pages they created. How to fully remove a user's access depends on whether or not they are still at the university.

Completely remove a user's access

  • If a user is still at the university but no longer needs access to the site, cancel their account and convert the authorship of their pages to anonymous.
  • If a user is no longer at the university, once removed from the directory, they will automatically no longer have access to the site.