Block Spam IP addresses

If your UNLcms site uses UNLcms forms, you may have seen a few form submissions containing gibberish, false user information or links to malicious sites. Most of the time these types of submissions are created by spambots which use computer programs to attack sites. The default UNLcms configuration settings prevent spambots from submitting forms. However, spambots aren't the only type of spam there's also human-generated spam. Spam submitted by humans, though not as frequent, is harder to prevent.

Although you can't prevent human-generated spam entirely, you may be able to decrease the amount of it by doing the following in UNLcms.

  1. Monitor and block spam IPs from the site
  2. Set a per-user submission limit on the form to prevent multiple spam submissions at once

Monitor and Block Spam IPs

  • On the top black navigation bar click "Find Content" then click the "WEBFORMS" tab
  • Click "Submissions" next to the form "TITLE"
  • Find the submission in the list and copy the IP Address. You can use the date and time in the form submission email (example: Submitted on Thursday, July 22, 2021 - 13:09) to help find the submission. Click "view" next to the submission to verify you're blocking the correct IP.
  • On the top black navigation bar click "Configuration" then click "IP address blocking"
  • Paste the IP address and click "Add"

Set Per-user Submission Limit

  • Go to the form page and click the "WEBFORM" tab
  • Click "Form settings" under the tabs
  • Under the "Per user submission limit" heading, select "Limit each user to submission(s)", enter "1" and select "every day" (you may need to adjust this depending on your form)
  • Click "Save Configuration"